10 fun facts about Gin we have learnt recently.

  1. Gin was originally known as "Dutch courage" because it was believed to give Dutch soldiers bravery on the battlefield.

2. The phrase "gin and tonic" was first coined by British soldiers in India who mixed their daily dose of quinine (an anti-malaria medicine) with gin to make it more palatable.

3. During the 18th century, gin was so popular in England that there were more than 7,000 gin shops in London alone.

4. The word "gin" comes from the Dutch word "jenever," which means "juniper."

5. In the 1700s, gin was often referred to as "mother's ruin" because it was seen as a cause of poverty, crime, and social decay.

6. The largest gin and tonic in the world was made in 2018 in Spain and used 1,050 liters of gin and 750 liters of tonic water.

7. During Prohibition in the United States, gin was the most popular spirit because it was easy to make in bathtubs and other makeshift stills.

8. In the 1920s, a British inventor created a gin-making machine that used radio waves to turn vodka into gin in just a few hours.

9. The world's oldest gin recipe dates back to 1495 and is held in the British Library.

10. Gin is sometimes referred to as "liquid Christmas tree" because of its piney, herbal flavor profile that comes from juniper berries.

Overall these are some great facts to share at your next dinner party, or even with your mates for a giggle. 


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